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Total Leads : How to Find More Information

Your dashboard page shows your Total Leads, but you may need to find more information. This analytics tool can provide you with more information about lead generation. It provides data over time, and lets you know how your funnels and sites are progressing.

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:

  • A lead generation funnel or site created in ClickFunnels

Step by Step Walk Through:

  1. On your dashboard, there is a number of total leads generated by your sites and funnels, as seen below:

2. To get more information, click on the Analytics tab in the left-hand menu.

3. In the Analytics dashboard, you’ll find an Overview of all Lead Generation data.

4. Sort these leads in a number of ways:

    1. Sort by funnel performance using the first drop-down menu.

2. Sort by date range in the second field to filter funnels by date.

3. Compare performance from two specified date ranges in the final field.

5. Find a more in-depth analysis of leads over time by going to the Reporting tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

6. Congratulations! Now you know how to use analytics tools to gather information about lead generation!